Monday, July 30, 2012

Waking Theme Poetry

Direction and Identity
A maze in a mask, a strange face in the mirror
to look into my eyes strikes me with terror
I feel like a rat, running aimlessly through a maze
counting the dead ends, and dreading long straight passage ways
I stumbled upon a road map
It told the way
It promised better days
I ate it, I haven’t been fed in weeks
Then I felt all direction was lost
That the smoke in my eyes wasn’t just a phase
Then before me, I realized, were maps of all varieties
One spoke of self-knowledge, another identity,
One that I’m in danger of becoming unknown territory
Change and Transition
changes, changes in the air
change is changing everywhere
life is flux
follow those upheavals
if we are nervous, insecure
facing our former ways of life
most familiar surroundings
are beginning
to feel constant
but it is changes, changes in the air
it’s change, the only constant
inner potential is in season
wise old men are still ripely golden
transitioning is our divine or wretched condition
as autumn falls to winter
winter jumps to spring 
keep up with the seasons
before wise old men take flight
Success and Failure
even though the meaning is obscure
the feeling is unmistakable
I must be disciplined
I must be accomplished
I must be perfect
to cross the finish line
what is a victorious feat in the crowd
without gold home alone
Yes, Jesus successfully died
the feeling is unmistakable
though you’re pondering the prize
a compulsive minute for a minute
a desirous hour for an hour
this whole life for the moment that’s going to shred us silly
being chased
trying to flee
falling haltingly through helpless scenes
anxious screams
panicked pity
everybody, oh if only it were anybody but me!
drowning in
fragmented adequacy
grotesque embarrassment
Well-being and Optimism
boundless light
over blind seas
illustrating an essence
symphony of colours
skirting over the full weight of burden
a beautifully bright, lifelike fauxbordon
experiencing landmarks of fulfillment
leaving artifacts of achievement
finding milk and honey in high places of the mind
light as air
bright as love’s great grip
minding the finer moments above, ahead
Authority and Responsibility
who is that, there is in the executive chair
why it is the expensive man wearing tall hats
whose responsibility as always becomes
what ever requests further superiors authorize him
Question whosoever wears the pants and concocts the laws
how so many stacks of paper
  when so few daydreams?”
when will respond a heartless
your feelings mine do surmise
being myself from more beautiful eyes
knowing we're going to be different now
we're going to be together now
showing each other the world now
minimizing and overcoming unpleasant possibilities
physiologically anticipating even the risk of infidelities
revealing every thought is how
every moment is becoming the Tao
healing each other’s worlds
now seems so natural as the earth stirring grains of sand
an arm curling around, a hand within a hand
everything in the world shines so much brighter now!
things that were stressful are motivating challenges now!
nothing greater than love!
accept this true and beloved cup of wine,
may it burst forth from its dams! 
the purse, too, is among the most common
female genitalia and womb and
also cups, hats, gloves can
be entered by other objects
like shoes  
worn by mother’s feet of
power and domination.
obedience, oh baby
whipped into 
sexual submission by
knives evasive and cunning!
inside! this soul
celebratory bottle of champagne
ejaculates! over 
ecstatic cries
some male aspect 
atop the female psych!
pulsing erect 
by the candlelight
the blood! 
of menstruation.
the hypnotic
rose of 
Frustration  and Anger
competitively playing Tetris
is pushing a rock up a mountain
telling your boss, ‘yes..” just one more time,
bottling up feelings,
beyond the point of self-control... bursting,
Loss and Bereavement
there’s only a dim light burning up here in the attic
the electric company is receding further, further, 
further away, somewhere else
in heaven, in my thoughts
a puddle drowns me in wishing, wishing, 
wishing if only, if...
why is life so fragile?
the light is
waiting, wondering, howling to the moon
Religion and Spirituality
willing up to the gory of the lord,
collecting our unconscious pity.
paradoxically fearsome,
albeit benign.
mysteriously pure,
though complex.
still without,
when within.
a bottomless hole to measure how wholesome.


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